Wednesday 3 May 2017

Carpet Cleaning Services in a Nutshell the carpet is most probably the most exhausting task there is in the home. It takes a lot of time and energy, not to mention patience. This is the reason why some home owners always fail to clean their carpets regularly. Dirty carpets may not be very noticeable at first but it would stink after some time. Fortunately, there are professional carpet cleaners that could assist home owners in cleaning their carpets.

Carpet cleaners are trained individuals for carpet cleaning. They do not only specialize in the cleaning itself, but also with the removal and replacement of the carpet to its original place. These people can move furniture carefully to avoid damages while removing the carpet. The cleaning process usually takes a maximum of two days only, depending on the size of the carpet. Carpet cleaning does not have to be done weekly. It is recommended to only have your carpets cleaned every three months, unless there are visible stains on it. Carpet cleaning services also are not very costly. It is a service that any home owner could afford, especially with the fact that it will only be needed once every three months.

Professional Carpet Cleaners vs DIY

Having your carpets cleaned is a chore that usually falls into the same category as spring cleaning: not fun to do, but necessary, and should occur with approximately the same level of frequency. Most carpet owners, however, will only have their carpets cleaned once every few years (and some not even that). Carpet cleaning is not merely cosmetic – having your carpet cleaned will revitalize your carpet and increase its lifespan. For the entire article, simply visit

Of course, there will be no point in calling a professional carpet cleaner if your carpet is already clean. However, there might be instances wherein drinks will be spilled on the carpet. It may cause stains that would appear evident after a few hours. For this instance, there are simple things that you could do before you call out for professional help.

Simple Things You Can Do Before Your Carpet Cleaner Arrives

Once your carpet cleaner arrives at your home, they’ll be doing all of the work.  But, there are some simple things you can do before they get there to ensure the most efficient and effective clean for your carpets. The entire guide can be viewed at the main source.

If there are seemingly-permanent stains on your carpet, avoid trying to remove them through the use of strong detergents and agents. It could permanently damage your carpet. It is advisable to just call for professional help if you are in doubt. Avoid experimenting chemicals for your carpet. You can read more guides online or simply seek for instructions and advice from the carpet cleaners.

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Monday 24 April 2017

Understanding the Methods of Efficient Carpet Cleaning certainly add value to the home. A carpet can improve the appearance of any room. You can install a floor carpet in your bedroom, bathroom, and living room. It adds a more comfortable feeling when stepping on the floor barefooted. Most homeowners utilize carpets in the living room. This is probably because the living room is the most used portion of the home. However, because most activities are done in the living room, its carpet is more susceptible to stains and dirt.

Accidental food and liquid spills normally happen in any household. It can easily be handled though. You can try rubbing the affected area with wet towel and the spills will be visible removed right away. However, not all stains and spills can easily be treated in this manner. Some stains leave a mark on your floor carpet that can be visible to anyone. It wouldn’t be appealing to visitors if you have a visibly stained floor carpet on your living room, right? Few of the most difficult-to-handle kinds of stains are blood stains, and oil spills. Nevertheless, it does not mean that they could no longer be removed in any way. There are still methods to handle these kinds of carpet stains.

How to Get Oil Out of Carpet

If you (or your children!) like to get wild in the kitchen, it’s important to have some basic carpet cleaning skills under your belt—how to clean up the spills and stains that result from a fallen glass of wine, a wandering meatball, a toppled cup of grape juice, and splattered spaghetti sauce, to name a few. This is especially true if you have carpeting in or near your kitchen or dining room, since you can’t wipe clean a carpet or rug. One of the most troublesome kitchen stains you might encounter over the years is one created with cooking oil or grease. Luckily, we’ve got you covered. If you’re struggling with a cooking oil or grease stain, please check out our tips and tricks for how to get oil out of carpet. Get the full guide on this link:

In many cases, carpets must be cleaned even without the presence of stains. Dirt still builds up on your carpet overtime. It may not be very visible if your carpet is still new but after some time, it can be easily noticed. This is why carpets need regular cleaning. However, some homeowners prefer not to have their carpets completely cleaned for some quite illogical reasons.

Myths About Carpet Cleaning

Myth: My Carpet Will Shrink After I Have It Cleaned

Fact: Your carpet will not shrink unless it does not dry properly. That is why it is important to hire a professional to clean your carpet. A professional carpet cleaning will ensure that your carpet dries properly. You can read the full article by clicking this link.

Dirty carpets do not have to be a daily concern in your life. You could always ask for professional assistance if you can’t find time to clean your entire carpet. Full carpet cleaning is very exhausting anyway so it is so much better to leave that task to the experts.


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Wednesday 12 April 2017

The Essentials of Carpet Cleaning are very prevalent in many homes today. A room would look so much neater if there is a carpet covering the floor. Carpets are especially a must for living rooms. Although carpets make the floor more comfortable to step on, there are still issues that many homeowners encounter with their carpets. Accidental spills may cause the floor carpet to stain and discolour. It wouldn’t look appealing to have a dirty-looking carpet lying on the floor. If you are encountering the same problem, you will need to have it cleaned as soon as possible to prevent stains from spreading which might ultimately damage your carpet permanently.

Carpets are supposed to be cleaned on a regular basis. Although there is no need for you to clean it daily, you will still need to schedule a time for its regular maintenance. You can do it in a weekly or monthly basis if you want to. Cleaning carpets is not an easy task. It can be very exhausting for some. However, there are some simple ways that you can do with your carpet without having the need to clean it completely. Sometimes, accidental spills on the carpet can be handled with just simple methods of cleaning.

How to Remove Red Wine from the Carpet

First, as soon as the wine hits the carpet grab a clean towel and begin to blot the stain. This is stain removal 101. Remove as much of the stain as you can without scrubbing. Scrubbing only grinds a stain into the carpet. Read the full guide here:

If the easy ways of carpet cleaning did not work for you, you may need the help of professionals already. Because complete carpet cleaning is a demanding task, you might not find time to do it on your own. Besides that, professional carpet cleaners are trained in doing this kind of job. They simply know which chemicals should be used to clean a certain type of carpet. They also use modern equipment for optimum cleaning.

How Do Professionals Use A Carpet Extractor?

To extend the life of carpeting and keep it smelling fresh and looking brand new, professional cleaning services will often use a carpet extractor. But many wonder just how this method works. A cleaning solution is injected into the fibers via a wand. The solution then adheres to the dirt and soil, and the use of pressure and suction brings the soil to the surface. The machine then extracts the remaining water, solution and dirt. Professionals use a carpet extractor in conjunction with other methods for the most effective results. Read the entire article here.

Carpet cleaning services come in handy on many occasions. If you are planning to hold a party in your residence, you can call for after-care assistance right after the event. Once you get the right carpet cleaners, you will not have to worry about replacing your carpet and rearranging your home furniture anymore. They will do it for you.



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Thursday 6 April 2017

Tips In Cleaning Your Carpet Safely way to bring elegance in your floor at home is to don it with carpet. There are a lot of carpet options that you can  choose from; and that it is essential that you will pick the right color, design, as well as material that will perfectly blend to your homes. Yet, there will always be times where it can’t be helped that you accidentally soil your carpet with a spilled drink, or that of dirt stained by your footwear will stick on your carpet. As time passes by, all these will somehow reduce the beauty of your carpet.

It is for this reason that you need to hire a professional carpet cleaner that will see to it that when times come where your carpet becomes dirty, then you can call someone to help you clean it in the safest way possible. Proper care is essential in the way your carpet is cleaned so that you will never have to worry about what will happen to it in the end.

Homemade Carpet Cleaning Solutions

We’ve all accidently spilled drinks on our carpets, or stained them by tracking dirt in from outside. What most of us haven’t done, however, is buy a professional carpet cleaning solution to use in these situations. Fortunately, you might not have to buy anything at all to get your carpet looking like new again. You can make your own homemade carpet cleaning solution with a few household items. Here are a few ways to get started:

Synthetic Carpet Cleaners
Note: Dip a white cloth into these solutions and apply to the stain. Never pour the solutions directly onto carpeting.

  • Detergent solution:Mix 1/4 teaspoon of a translucent liquid dishwashing detergent, such as Dawn or Joy, into one cup of lukewarm water.
  • Vinegar solution:Mix one cup of white vinegar with two cups of water.
  • Solvent solution:Use an oil solvent. Or substitute nail-polish remover, such as Cutex Quick & Gentle non-acetone polish remover.
  • Ammonia solution:Mix one tablespoon of clear household ammonia with 1/2 cup of lukewarm water.

Other Solutions

  • Baking sodaworks to remove pet stains. Just sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the soiled section, and then let it sit for a couple hours before vacuuming.
  • Club sodaalso works well, but may have to be applied with a cleaning solution several times before a stain is removed. Start by blotting the section before pouring the club soda over it. Once the solution has stopped fizzing, immediately blot the spot again, repeating as necessary.
  • Diluted bleachcan help too. Just use 10 parts water to one part bleach. Spray the solution on the stain, and then let it sit for 15 seconds before thoroughly rinsing the area with warm water. If you can still see the stain, repeat the process until the spot is gone. Get to learn more of simple carpet cleaning tips you can do at home, at this site.

Learning of the tips and tricks on how you can perfectly clean up your carpet will assure you of great results you will be happy to see. You can always feel pleased with the fact that you are going to get an old carpet that will look brand new. Relying on a professional to help you in carpet cleaning is what is totally essential which you need to do.

Carpet Steam Cleaning Tips, Tricks And Secrets Make Keep Your Carpets Clean Easier

Most carpets are stain-resistant, meaning that the manufacturer has treated them to reduce staining. However, no carpet is stain-proof. Over time, the carpet’s fibers trap dirt, oils and bacteria, which can discolor the material and cause unpleasant odors and stains. Use a few tips, tricks and secrets to steam clean your carpets, as needed, and then keep them cleaner longer with some simple suggestions for the whole family.


Test a hidden area of your carpet, such as inside a closet, before using an extra-strength or homemade steam-cleaning product to make sure that it does not burn the carpet or lift the color. Steam cleaning is hard work. There’s a lot of back and forth movement and bending; you’ll also be lifting and carrying buckets to empty and refill the dirty and clean water — don’t forget to stretch before, during and after this physically demanding chore. Contact the manufacturer of your steam cleaner to ask for recommended or non-chemical cleaning solutions. If you venture out on your own and use homemade concoctions or non-recommended solutions, they could void the cleaner’s warranty.


Loose dirt and grime hides in carpeting. Vacuum the floors before you set to work with the steam cleaner. By running the vacuum cleaner slowly and repeatedly over one area at a time, you will reduce the amount of dirt or “mud” pushed through the carpet by the steam cleaning process. As a metter of course, blot stains as they happen; club soda or a mixture of one part white vinegar with three parts water remove colorful stains, such as red wine, pop and juice.


Sometimes the simplest cleaning solutions are right under your nose — or, in this case, right out of the tap or inside of the kitchen cupboard. Because steam already reduces or destroys most bacteria, pure water may be all you require to freshen your rugs. Use baking soda to remove odors and stains: dissolve 1-tsp baking soda in a cup of water to pour on pet stains or other smelly messes before steam cleaning. Don’t steam clean on humid summer days or cold winter days. On warm, dry days, you will be able to dry the carpeting and air out the space. This avoids an overly steamy home by opening windows. Additional tips are also found here:

Carpet cleaning is a daunting task, and that is why, you need to always get a professional carpet cleaner that will be able to help you get through the problems posed by a dirty carpet. You need to also learn of the tips and tricks on how you can maintain the beauty of your carpet even amidst the wear and tear that it faces each single day. It is best that you get to understand the different means on how your carpet is always maintained to look its best.

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Wednesday 22 March 2017

Ways In Maintaining The Cleanliness Of Your Carpet

Your carpet at home is one that is prone to spillage, accumulation of dirt, and trappings of dust. It is essential that you deal with all these things, so that you will not come to a point where mildew and mold are growing into your carpet. Certainly, the presence of such will predispose your family to health risks as well. That is why, you need to search for a carpet cleaning service that you can depend on, so that the beauty of your carpet is properly maintained as they should always be.

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While there may be DIY means in removing the dirt that are present in your carpet, you are not always assured that these DIY techniques can thoroughly get rid of the dirt. Even if you plan on vacuuming your carpet, you will also not be able to fully clean it especially if your vacuum doesn’t have that high efficiency.

Gearing Up For A Mouldy Season In Australia’s Sub Tropics

“Mildew loves closed, dark places. It loves organic food – even dust! – and it stays active in environments with at least 60% humidity,” Steve says.

Generally the more porous the surface, the harder it is to get rid of mold or mildew permanently. Non-porous surfaces like hard plastics may just need a wipe while furnishing fabrics benefit from professional attention.

While there’s plenty of D-I-Y advice on removing mildew and mold from upholstery, amateur attempts with rubbing alcohol or bleach risk more damage – and potentially ruined furniture.

And if you’re trying to vacuum it up and don’t have a good HEPA (high-efficiency particulate arrestance) filter built in, you could be making the problem worse by spreading the spores around – that’s a real health issue if members of your family are susceptible to allergies. Read here…

Maintaining the beauty of your carpet is really a tough job, and it gets even tougher in times where you plan  on having parties at home. It certainly can’t be helped that spillage of various kinds of drinks, as well as foods, plus the fact that guests just come and go in side of your house will surely put you to a test. Yet, there are practical means that you can employ so that you can still somehow lessen the impact of the dirt and damages that may happen on your carpet.

Grand Final Spills!

  1. Be prepared! Have a good clean up before the party even starts. Don’t forget to unpack the dishwasher and put fresh liners in the bin – both receptacles will be full again before you know it!
  1. Set up a cleaning station. A host/hostess running around frantically looking for a mop mid party is not a good look. Have paper towels, wet wipes and a dust pan and brush ready to go – that way you can calmly clean up any must-tend-to-immediately messes calmly and discreetly.
  1. Serve bite sized non-messy food – that way guests can pop it in their mouths without it landing on your carpet. Hold the sauce too, stick to ‘drier’ morsels.

Talking carpets; any liquid spills must be blotted up with paper towels immediately to prevent spreading. Solid spills can be carefully scraped up with a spoon. Post party, book in for a professional clean. Full details here:

At the end of the day, it pays that you will be cautious in all matters regarding your carpet when you want that it can last long. It is always essential that you pay attention to your home investments such as your carpet, so that you can lengthen its use, and thus will keep you away from having your floors re-carpeted again.

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Tuesday 14 March 2017

Choosing The Right Carpet Cleaning Company

Most homeowners do not necessarily pay attention to regular carpet cleaning, unless there is an obvious dirt or spill and stain on the carpet. Most likely, the vacuum can save the day, yet it is actually not that simple as it may sound. There may be mildew and molds that may accumulate in your carpet when it is not regularly cleaned, and that it can put anyone at home at risk of certain diseases.

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That is why, as a homeowner, you must always ensure that you have a carpet cleaning company that will do the regular maintenance of your carpet. You can trust that these companies will do their best to ward off smells and icky conditions on your carpet. Thus, this will make you feel that your house is worth staying, such that you can smell fresh carpet all the time.

What’s Lurking In Your Office Carpet?

Dirt and dust

It’s inevitable that employees will bring dirt and dust into the workplace on the soles of their shoes. Make sure there is a tread mat before they enter the office, which will accumulate much of the debris so that it isn’t transferred to the office carpet. However, you also need to ensure that the tread mat receives a daily vacuum as well as the office carpet to remove as much dirt and dust as possible.

Food and drinks

When employees are allowed to eat and drink at their desks it’s quite likely that there will be food particles and even drink stains on the carpet. If these aren’t cleaned up right away they can create odours and grow bacteria. Instead, if you have the room, create a separate room which is for the staff to take their breaks in, and provide tables so they can eat there too.

Mould and mildew

Although it’s easy to see when food has turned mouldy, it’s not the same with a carpet which could be harbouring bacteria and pathogens such as mildew, mould, salmonella, Norovirus and more and you probably won’t realise it. Mildew and mould can form beneath your carpet in environments which are warm and wet and norovirus can survive for a month or more in an uncleaned carpet. To prevent this from happening it’s important to keep your carpet clean and dry.

Skin flakes

With the average person shedding almost a million skin flakes a day, it’s quite horrifying to think how many of these could be lurking in your office carpet. Read more from the original article…

In order that you can finally rid off the gross things that are most likely accumulated in your carpet, then you must have a cleaning company that regularly maintains the cleanliness and freshness that is due of your carpet. You can be certain that the different kinds of services that they are offering will certainly bring advantages for you and your family to enjoy.

What Are The Services That Professional Cleaning Companies In Sydney Offer?

Carpet Cleaning

It generally happens that you spill any substance on your carpet and there is also deep seated dust and dirt that can be hard to remove. If you want your home or office carpet cleaned thoroughly, then you should hire the service of highly trained carpet cleaners and steam specialists. They are highly professional and cater their service with their result-oriented carpet cleaning techniques.

Commercial Cleaning

Commercial cleaning experts can clean offices for businesses of any size. From basic work like office hygiene to the care of office carpets, sofas, and upholstery, the cleaners can clean them perfectly.

Rug Cleaning

When your rugs need attention, the cleaning experts can come to your rescue to offer services with their proven methods and state-of-the-art machines. Whether it a delicate rug that need to be handled carefully or an antique rug, the result can be excellent if cleaning is done only by experts. Read from original source at:

There are huge benefits that you will enjoy when you are going to tap the professional companies to help you get rid with the deep seated dirt in your carpet. The best thing about these company is that they are not only providing general cleaning services, but they are also providing comprehensive services including domestic cleaning as well as commercial cleaning which you can avail of.

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Tuesday 7 March 2017

Easy Carpet Cleaning Tricks You Can Do

The carpet is a trap for so many dirt, dust and spills at home. And for that, there is that high possibility that mold and mildew will grow in it. Thus, it is your duty as a homeowner to always look after the condition of your carpet in a regular basis, so that it will last long and be fresh, and that you can keep your families away from being predisposed to health risk. You also need to understand as to what condition of your carpet will you be calling for professional help, and what are those carpet conditions that you can do by yourself.

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Understanding the fact that you can do simple carpet cleaning tips will ensure that you can renew the life that is due for your carpet when the need be You can see to it that you will have a brand new looking carpet once you are able to do these tricks at home.

Carpet Cleaning Tips And Tricks

  1. Always blot

If you’ve spilled something on your carpet then grab a clean cloth or paper towel and blot carefully from outside-in to take out as much of the moisture as possible. Do not be tempted to rub or scrub as this will only spread the stain further.

  1. Keep away from shop bought stain removers

Without naming any names, we’ve seen first hand the damage that many of these products bring. Not just ineffective, they also cause damage to carpets and fabrics that can’t be repaired. If you’re unsure about using a particular product, then make up a mixture of mild vinegar and water or just use water on its own for safe carpet cleaning.

  1. How to remove wax

We all love to use candles in our homes but what happens if you drop some of the wax onto your carpet? It might at first seem impossible to remove wax from your carpet without pulling out a handful of fibres, but it can be easily removed by applying heat. Simply put a plain cloth over the carpet where the wax is and place a warm iron on top of that to soften the wax. Then use a blunt knife to scrape it off the surface of the carpet.

  1. Vacuum regularly

It’s always a good idea to vacuum your carpet every few days. Regular vacuuming removes the dust and soils which if not removed will sink to the bottom of the carpet and degrade the fibres. Not only does your carpet look better after a vacuum but it will prolong its life too.

  1. Invest in protection

Carpet protection such as Scotchguard helps stop stains from penetrating the fibres of your carpets and upholstery which makes it easier to remove them. It also prevents dry soil from sticking to your carpet and becoming abrasive. If you’ve splurged the cash on an expensive carpet then it’s worthwhile spending a little more on a protector. Visit main article…

Additionally, not only will moulds and mildew grow in your carpet, but there are also small insects that loves to dwell in the fabrics of the carpet. Oftentimes, you will have bug bites, as evidence by red, small and painful discoloration that you will notice in your skin. And these are caused by the growing population of small bugs living in your carpet.

Yuck Carpet Beetles!

Carpet Beetles are small beetles whose larva is destructive to carpets, fabrics, and other materials. Not only do your carpets suffer but your clothes can too!

Both adults and larvae prefer to feed in dark, undisturbed areas. As a result, finding the infestation can be hard. Because an infestation can go unnoticed it can uncontrollably spread throughout an area of your house. Treatment is best left to pest control professionals. Contact Really Cheap Carpet Cleaning and we’ll help you out. Visit main article at:

As a homeowner, you have to see the fact that when you are regularly cleaning your carpet, you are not only particular about its aesthetics or functionality. You are also protecting your family ‘s health, when regular carpet cleaning is done, because you will keep the mildew, molds, and bugs away.

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Tuesday 21 February 2017

Choosing the Easy Way to Clean Carpet at Home

When you are going to shop for a carpet that you can install at home, you must first ask yourself if the carpet is easy to clean.  It is important that you choose an easy to clean carpet, especially when you are so busy with your day to day activities and you have no ample time in doing regular cleaning. An easy to clean carpet are those that are made from nylon based material and are certainly engineered for the best protection from stains. These carpets do have repel technology when it comes to spillage.

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With such repel technology applied at the mill of the carpet, then you will see that each fiber of the carpet is really protected. Thus, there is that total stain as well as soil protection. And that you will never have to worry about stains seeping in your carpet, as they can be cleaned in a breeze.

The Easiest Carpet On The Planet To Clean

But, we’re all human. If someone does spill something, the remedy is straightforward and stress-free. Simply remove dried-in substances with a spoon or the back of a knife, then simply brush or vacuum out. If it’s a liquid, immediately blot up as much as possible with absorbent white cloth then treat the stain with lukewarm water. Blot up the liquid with absorbent white cloth or paper.

In addition to ‘Requires limited effort to clean’, the Serenity Collection’s Triexta-based Arcadia and Eden ranges and the Triexta Soft-based Elysium and Utopia carpets feature the glorious phrase: ‘This product has been manufactured with components that repel, limit or alleviate the appearance of stains’.

That means the carpets have been made with DualShield protection, a Choices Flooring exclusive built-in, permanent stain and soil protection that is impossible to wash off. DualShield is an advanced nanotechnology that creates a spill and soil barrier on each fibre, repelling dirt and spills so they do not turn into stains. Simply put, nothing gets through. Everything sits on top ready for a quick brush over with the vacuum cleaner.

So, when the kids spill their drinks or the dog runs through the house after playing in the mud outside, you can be assured that the clean-up time is short and sweet and your carpet will look like brand new again in the blink of an eye. Perfection.

To get further elucidation about this technology in carpets, visit the original article at

Thus, when you are able to purchase an easy to clean carpet, then you will surely not suffer from any moulds and mildew breakouts at home. Yet, if for some instances there will be moulds developing in your carpet, you must always understand that using bleach is never the safest and best way to eradicate the moulds. In fact, it can even harm your carpet for that matter.

Why You Should Never Use Bleach To Clean Mould!


Small patches of mould can be effectively treated with one of the two safe, readily available solutions:

In both cases, mix the solution in an atomising spray bottle and liberally apply it to the affected area. In 20 minutes, lightly sponge off the mould with warm water.

What if there is a still a mark after I kill the mould?

The tea tree oil or vinegar will kill the mould but the mould may discolour porous material such as gyprock. To remove the discolouration you may need to use more aggressive cleaning methods or paint over the remaining stain.

What if I have a major mould issue?

If the mould affected area is bigger than 1 square metre, then it’s probable the mould is also growing in hard to reach places like wall cavities.

When you come across a major mould issue, we recommend calling a professional mould remediator. Electrodry offers a safe, quickly and highly effective service that’s perfect for cases of significant mould contamination. Read more here…

Thus, always see to it that you are using the best products when you are cleaning your carpet so that you will not add further damage to it. It is a must that you are knowledgeable and that you fully understand the details about keeping your carpet clean all the time.

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Tuesday 7 February 2017

Can A Flooded Carpet Be Saved?

Have you experienced being flooded when a typhoon or a strong storm hits your area? Or have you experienced flooding in your flooring as a result of water that is leaking through the ceiling? There is really nothing more frustrating than seeing your carpet flooded. The fact is that it is an emergency situation that you will have to  act fast; in the way, you still can save your flooded carpet and potentially salvage it.

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It is essential that you will remain calm, and set your focus into getting things straight. When you get hysterical about the condition of the flooded carpet, then precious time will be lost and that there will be less chance in the matter of saving your carpet at home.

How To Save Flooded Carpets

By Carpet Cleaning Kings

If your carpet doesn’t dry quickly enough you’ll end up with wrinkles or bubbles in the carpet that are evidence that the backing has indeed come apart from the carpet in those areas. In the worse care scenario, the tufts of your carpet can be pulled out easily, since there’s nothing there to hold them in place.

With flooded carpets it’s important to remove surface water as quickly as possible and pull back the carpet to get the dryers on to it. You may find the underlay has been trashed, but if you can get the carpet dry, it may be possible to save it. A tip here is to remove all the furniture and then starting from a corner of the room pull back the carpet wearing a pair of gloves and users pliers.

We recommend at this point that you call out an emergency flood water professional or start to extract the water yourself with a wet and dry vacuum. Meanwhile be sure to remove any electronics and personal belongings from the room. The carpet should be pulled off the tack strips so the air can get to it once the excess water has been removed. Do not be tempted to cut the carpet away as it will be difficult to seam it back together and it won’t look pretty.

Once the carpet is dry you may have to replace the pad beneath it, but most times the carpet will be able to be stretched back into position on the tack strips. If you have more extensive damage to your floors or walls then you’ll need to call in the insurance company in order to get some estimates for repairing the damage. Read more here…

For every carpet disaster that you are facing at home, you must remain calm, as there will be restoration company that are willing to assist you with it. All that you have to do is be familiar about those companies that will provide high quality kind of service. Choosing the right company is an essential aspect in making sure that the right kind of outcome will happen for your carpet.

Elite Carpet Cleaning Rescues Rug Disaster

Having received no joy from the original carpet cleaner, Mrs de Lorenzo called Elite Carpet Dry Cleaning and spoke with Adelaide franchisee Tom Peck. Tom Peck’s restoration process consisted of drying the sticky sodden rug first, then returning to clean and sanitise.

“It smelt beautiful – although as Tom explained, what he’d done was not cover the smell but remove it properly – and it looks as good as new,” Mrs de Lorenzo said.“I’m so glad I thought to try Elite Carpet Cleaning. The number is now programmed into my phone – it really was a fantastic service.”

Elite Carpet Dry Cleaning professionals are trained and experienced in best practice techniques for rugs, carpets and fabric upholstery for residential and commercial settings. Further info from the original article here:

A good carpet restoration company will assess the extent of the damage, and will tell you about the realities that you need to tackle with respect to you flooded carpet. You will have to ensure that you are going to get the right information, such that you can decide rationally based on the info shared to you. Thus, never hesitate to have a reliable company get you through such unfortunate circumstances.

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Tuesday 24 January 2017

Carpet Cleaning Tips You Can Easily Follow

The new carpet that you have recently installed at home is an investment, and it is important that you will maintain it as there is nothing more exciting than the smell of a new carpet. A new carpet can bring warmth to your house, and breathes in new life to your flooring. That is why, if you want that your carpet will last for years for you to enjoy, then you can always heed on the different carpet care and cleaning tips which you can easily follow.

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It is best that you will regularly clean your carpet so that fresh stains can easily be removed. Keep in mind that a carpet spot cleaning is the least that you can do as a homeowner. There are so many other techniques that you’ve got to learn from when it comes to carpet cleaning, and that you will surely need to practice them so you will have the best outcome for your carpet.

How To Care For Your New Carpet

Weekly Maintenance
Limit how much dirt gets into carpet in the first place by taking your shoes off when you get home – but leave your socks on as walking around in bare feet leaves behind natural oils that attract dirt.

To keep grit from becoming embedded, vacuum at least weekly with multiple passes in varying directions. Use the beater brush (set to the pile height) and ensure you change the bag when half full as efficiency decreases considerably after that.

Spot Cleaning
The key is to do it right and to do it quickly. Cover the area with white paper towel or a clean tea towel and blot, pushing down with the heel of your hand. Resist the temptation to rub or scrub aggressively, as this just pushes the spill into the pile and causes the fibres to mat. Continue blotting until all the liquid has been absorbed.

Next, mix your own spot-cleaning solution by diluting a few drops of clear  (not creamy looking) dish washing detergent in water. Use about ¼ teaspoon per litre.  Apply to the stain, being careful not to saturate the carpet. Blot gently, then rinse with clean water and blot again.

Treating Pet Stains
The sooner you get onto a pet stain the better! Pet urine that is left on carpets can permanently alter the dye in carpet fibres, especially light tones, like beige. Use the spot cleaning method above or for stale stains and persistent odours, it’s best to call in a professional carpet cleaner. Read more information here from the original post…

Aside from knowing the care tips that you can do for your carpet, it would be best that you will also learn about the common carpet cleaning mistakes so that you will stop such practices, if not, to never try to do it, this will save your carpet from further degradation.

3 Common Carpet Cleaning Mistakes To Avoid

  1. Shop bought carpet cleaners

Generally speaking it’s always best to avoid buying over the counter carpet cleaning products, whether they be foams, sprays, or liquids. Most products marked ‘for cleaning carpets’ tend to leave a residue behind in your carpet. This residue attracts soil and dust over time leaving you with a brown spot on your carpet in the very area you thought you had cleaned. Soap by nature attracts dirt and is then designed to be rinsed off. When you use over the counter carpet cleaners it’s impossible to ever wash it away completely and as a result soap residues remain on the carpet and continue to attract all manner of dirt and soils.

  1. Coloured towels

Never use a coloured rag or towel when spot cleaning your carpet or mopping up a spill. When you use a coloured cloth you run the risk of the colour bleeding or transferring itself onto the carpet fibres. A prime example of this is using a red towel on a pale beige carpet. Instead always use a clean white cloth or paper towels to do the dirty work.

  1. Don’t rub – blot

It can be tempting to rub away at a dirty mark or spill in an effort to remove it, and this is one of the most common carpet cleaning mistakes that people make. The thing is we’re typically taught to scrub away at dirty marks to clean most things but when it comes to a carpet, the opposite action is required. All that rubbing or scrubbing your carpet does is to spread the stain over a larger area creating an even bigger stain. The answer is to BLOT it. If you feel you need more pressure then dimply stand on top of several paper towels to help them soak up the moisture. The pressure from the additional weight helps the soil or spill to transfer onto the towel that you’re cleaning your carpet with. Read more from original source here:

It is not enough that you will only read about the carpet cleaning care strategies in order that you can maintain the freshness and extend the life of your carpet. You will have to understand about the common mistakes when it comes to carpet cleaning, so that you will not add additional injury on your carpet. Thus, always see to it that you take good care of your investments on your flooring!

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The post Carpet Cleaning Tips You Can Easily Follow appeared first on Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Services.
